FRIDAY, JULY 15th 2011 21,0H
After the tremendous success of last years’ night walk (130 walkers) and also because of the safety of the chosen tracks and the logistic advantages of this walk (wide and easy tracks, a downhill riverbed without having to hit the main road, the organisers have decided to convert this walk into a yearly summer event you wouldn’t want to miss.
The fourth edition this year is promising to be as good as last year’s because going to be held under a brilliant full moon. There will be 20 km of slight downhill walk in the wide riverbeds of the Guadalest and Algar Rivers, an unspoiled nature area, where nispero, orange, lemon, avocado and even pomegranate plantations appear as silhouettes between the long areas of jungle like cane vegetation. There is always a smooth breeze caused by the humidity in riverbeds at night.
All participants will be taken by coach from Altea up to the Guadalest dam. The more trained will start their 20 km walk here while the others descend 4 km down stream and do a shorter walk
(16km). The minimum age will be 12 years of age.
This Nordic Walk (walking with poles) is sponsored by the Alfàs Townhall, but anyone can participate: there will be Nordic Walking Poles at disposal for everyone, even for those who have
never experienced Nordic Walking before.
Previous inscriptions and payment to the club’s bank account will be necessary Account details La CAIXALTEA account number 3045 0004 49 2037426521 including your name(s) and “Nocturna 2011” and the
number of people.
It is Compulsary that you bring : decent walking shoes to walk at least 4 hours, some water ,fruit, energy
bars and very importantly a head torch
Contribution: 12 € per person; 7 € residents (empadronados) in L’Alfàs y members of the ANE or
any Nordic Walking Club.
Included: Transport coach, PR and accident insurance, the official Nordic Nightwalk T shirt, a drink,
some snacks and a surprise.
Information and Inscriptions :
Marc: 655 87 97 11, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ;
Francisco : 606 213 074, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bernd : Polideportivo L’Alfàs : 96 588 96 01