Terra Natura the animal and Nature theme Park in Benidorm has received eleven birds of prey from a Recovery Center in Toledo. These endangered species include the Golden Eagle, Bonelli´s eagle, hawk, vultures, Griffon Vultures, owls, kestrels and peregrine falcon.
The birds have all been injured in various accidents and these injuries prevent them from flying and from being able to fend for themselves in the wild. These injuries have been caused by power lines, barbed wire, accidents involving cars and poisoning.
The birds have adapted well to their new home proof of which is the female Peregrine Falcon has just laid an egg. Terra Natura staff are working with the birds to improve their fitness, mobility and quality of life with daily exercises and a careful diet to help them to gain weight.
Owls generally nest on the ground and sometimes people are under the impression that they have fallen from their nest and take them to SEPRONA (Nature Protection Service of the Guardia Civil), creating a further problem by removing the chick from its mother. Recovery Centres look after the birds until they are ready to be freed back into the wild, although in some cases it is not possible.
The new arrivals have a chip to identify them and will remain in quarantine, isolated from the other birds until they are in better health and have adapted to their new environment. They will also be treated for parasites and to improve their general health.
Terra Natura will also consider the possibility of attempting to breed these endangered species in captivity and then set them free into the wild.
Birds of prey are an important part of the ecosystem, controlling the numbers of rodents.