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Benidorm Island

benidorm island

Benidorm Island




Minicruise from Benidorm  to Calpe


Tabarca Island

tabarca island

Tabarca Island


Benidorm - Ibiza


Day or evening trips to Ibiza


What's on in Benidorm?  What shows can I see in Benidorm?

The Magic Robin Hood dinner show is one of the many options available for you to enjoy while in Benidorm.

Based on the legend of Robin Hood, the show tells the story of  Robin Hood, the bandit who famously stole from the rich to give to the poor in medieval England.

Enjoy the banquet of spare ribs and roast chicken in true medeival style with your fingers, as you travel back to medieval England while watching the equestrian skills of the actors as they participate in jousting, heroic duels and tournaments on horseback.

Take a journey to the past, to a time when honour, friendship and heroism resided alongside betrayal, rivalry, hostility and hardship.

Make your reservation HERE.

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