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Mandi one of the Asian Tigers that resides in the Benidorm Theme Park, Terra Natura has just been to the dentist!

The six year old tigress had not been eating which alerted staff at the Benidorm park.  They monitored her closely and decided to intervene when the situation did not improve. She was sedated and when examined it was found that she had broken a fang.

Seven people took part in the orthodontic procedure, including two vets, two Terra Natura park keepers and three dental surgeons.  The 125 kilo tigress was given an anaesthetic and then administered gas to keep her sedated during the procedure.terranaturaendodonciatigerbeniexc

The surgeons removed the nerve from the tooth and Mandi has been given antibiotics and painkillers. All her food will be cut into small pieces over the next few days and any bones removed.  

A tiger’s fang can measure approximately 6 centimetres compared to the 2 centimetres of our eye teeth. 

The Asian tiger is considered to be the largest cat species.  In the wild this tiger would probably have died, not being able to hunt and feed, as the pain from a broken fang coming into contact with its prey or the meat would be extremely painful.


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